Hello I’m Clare

I am the Founder of Raw Movement, a global organisation dedicated to changing the culture of movement in workplaces and schools.

My passion for teaching people to move better evolved from constantly battling daily pain right from my early 20’s. I was desperate to understand my body better and didn’t want to accept that pain was just part of growing older. This led me on a journey to becoming a personal trainer and sharing my knowledge and experience with other people. In 2018 I started teaching my own movement classes and this has grown into taking ideas into schools and workplaces.

Musculoskeletal health (MSK) is a huge issue globally, costing billions, shortening careers and lives unnecessarily. My business, and the people I work with are on a mission to change this by delivering tailored talks, workshops and programmes on how to move better.

Let’s get started on changing our movement habits.


Raw Movement is founded on a philosophy of learning what your body needs from an alignment, stretching and movement perspective, so that when niggling pain starts you know exactly what to do to stop it”


  • Currently studying at Nottingham University for an MSc in Workplace Health and Wellbeing 2022 - 2024

  • Menopause Movement Certified - 2022

  • MovNat Mobility Course - 2021

  • Strong Shoulders, Strong Core, Nutritious Movement - Katy Bowman – Cambridge, 2018

  • Move your DNA - Jeanette Loram – Helensburgh, 2017

  • First Aid Training – Lichfield District Council, 2017

  • National Association of Sports Medicine (NASM) Personal Trainer Certificate (USA) 2017

  • Circus Yoga-Ring One (USA) 2014

  • American Reflexology Certification Board – Level 1 Reflexology, Institute of Natural Medicine 2015

  • Childlight yoga teaching qualification (USA) 2013

  • Master of Primary Teaching (Charles Sturt University, Australia), 2012

  • MSc Environmental Pollution Control (BCU, Birmingham, UK)

  • BSc Applied and Environmental Biology (University of York, UK)