Discover 7 simple moves to weave into every day to move well and keep daily niggling pain at bay!
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1 in 6 people are in musculoskeletal pain
That's 1.71 billion people globally
Learning to manage physical wellness daily can prevent and alleviate this pain.
Raw Movement provides simple sustainable solutions, working with schools, workplaces, and individuals via our workshops, programmes and community to teach the fundamentals of movement.
We support people embarking on a transformative journey of preventing and managing musculoskeletal pain at any age, enabling them to manage their physical wellbeing for their whole lives.
Meet Clare Rawlings
"Daily aches and pains associated with not moving enough (desk-based work) and moving in repetitive ways (hospitality, teaching, labour intensive jobs) result in time-off work, depression and poor mental health to name just a few consequences of this issue that for years now has been seen 'as one of those things'.
But times are changing, and the responsibility to put things in to place that help fix this movement related chronic daily pain epidemic - is now seen as a critical HR issue that organisations should be focusing on.
But it's essential to understand that MOVEMENT is different to exercise, and this is where we can help.
To find out how we can help you support your organisation, school, or you as an individual, please get in touch, we'd love to share more about our bespoke workshops, programs and courses."

3 ways we can get started together

Join our thriving community and discover valuable resources, support, and opportunities to enhance your movement well-being every day whatever you are doing.

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