Schools Programmes

Teachers are unnecessarily suffering with musculoskeletal pain (MSK) every day. It hugely impacts every aspect of their lives, can lead to chronic illness, and significantly impacts the educational outcomes of the students they teach.

Raw Movement works with educators to give them the tools to prevent and manage MSK pain by simply understanding how to move well every day. We work together to deliver bespoke physical wellbeing programmes that can include, talks, workshops, inset days and new teacher induction all focused on movement education (not exercise). We teach the foundations of how the body moves with good alignment, posture and strength, so that teachers can develop habits of daily physical self-care to minimise their experience of pain.

As an educator you know that your student’s physical wellbeing is not good. The pandemic, devices and an increasingly sedentary lifestyle is playing havoc with the development, and long term physical wellbeing of future generations. Teachers have an important role to play in encouraging students to manage their physical wellbeing from a movement perspective not just an exercise perspective. Physical wellbeing maintenance habits can be woven into every aspect of a students day. School environments can be designed to naturally encourage movement. Let us help you create a movement centric school.

Raw Movement supports schools to develop a culture of movement by increasing movement literacy, providing knowledge on how to move well and the tools to maintain good physical wellbeing.

Just one simple idea:

Inset Days


Musculoskeletal ill health is the reason for high levels of long-term sickness absence and presentism. It contributes to burnout, shortens teaching careers and has a huge impact on the outcomes of students and the school community as a whole.

Our inset days include:

  • Why it matters to be educated in movement as a teacher, and how this knowledge and practice has a huge potential to change the health outcomes of future generations.

  • Learning to stand and move in a way that engages more muscles, reduces long term damage and prevents aching feet.

  • Overcoming the barriers to movement in your teaching environment and cultivating movement centric learning.

  • What the data is showing us about musculoskeletal health, retention, recruitment and career longevity.

  • Daily healthy movement habits to maintain musculoskeletal health and physical wellbeing, and prevent periods away from the classroom.

    Times: 10am - 4pm

    Cost: Contact us for a details. Happy to travel globally and also deliver online. Always tailored to your teams.


Ask any teacher about their physical wellbeing and they will have a bad back or niggling lower back pain that they struggle at times to manage. According to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 85% of young teachers experience skeletal and muscular pain once per week but only 8% report it. Musculoskeletal pain impacts the whole school system because teachers cannot do their jobs well when they are struggling with pain, and of course pain and mental health are also linked.

We are teachers too and we know what it is like, standing for hours, carrying heavy books, working in a repetitive way, getting up and down off the floor or leaning over desks and reaching up at the board. We all need a body that we understand and can maintain. We maintain our cars with services, why don’t we do the same daily with our bodies? When children see us looking after our physical wellbeing then they can also adopt these habits for their life time.

We deliver a whole range of workshops to teachers on standing, sitting, walking and moving better. We will focus on the small moves that can really strengthen your body and help you to develop some ways to proactively manage physical wellbeing daily. We also show teachers how more movement can be woven throughout their lesson plans and the learning environment. We really don’t need to sit all the time to learn or be productive.

Looking for something different for your next teacher training day that will really make a sustainable difference to teacher wellbeing? We would love to support you.