
Workplace Programmes

Raw Movement works with organisations, delivering talks, workshops and programmes to change the physical wellbeing of the workplace. Our bespoke programmes foster a workplace philosophy where everyone moves more; is more productive and creative and is less likely to be absent due to musculoskeletal issues.

Learning simple, sustainable techniques that enrich everyday lives with better movement, means:

less pain related absenteeism and presentism

greater individual and team focus

improved quality of the work day

increased productivity and turnover

What do we do?

We work with businesses to bring about a change in their movement culture.  It’s no longer acceptable to expect people to sit in meetings and on screens for hours without creating movement opportunities. Workplaces have an opportunity to change the health outcomes of everyone.

We work collaboratively to deliver movement wellbeing packages where employees build their knowledge of body alignment; essential daily stretches, how to sit stand and walk well, posture and breathing well and lots more.

Sedentary and repetitive workplaces welcome!

How do we work with you?

At Raw Movement, we understand the importance of integrating movement into the workplace to enhance employee well-being and productivity. We offer a variety of tailored solutions designed to encourage physical activity at work, making it easier for your team to prioritise movement in their daily routines, challenge social workplace conventions and develop new movement habits.

Workshops and Training: We provide Movement Education through a variety of formats including talks, seminars, presentations and workshops.

Movement Education Programmes: We develop customised movement programs suited to your workplace culture, environment and employee needs.

Health and Wellbeing Strategy: We work with you to craft practical research driven interventions to improve the physical wellbeing of your organisation.